With planning parties, shopping, and decorating, every day starts to feel like Hump Day. If you have kiddos you’re trying to make the season magical for them. If you’re married or have a sweetie in your life, you’re busy trying to find the perfect gift. And you include parties and family events to make the season memorable. All this running around can zap the fun right out of things. So, I’m going to say three words here… enjoy the process. It’s never about the event the party, decorations or food. It’s about the journey to all things.
Therefore I’m writing this blog to remind you to push the pause button. Inwardly slow things down… and outwardly if need be. Let go of things that don’t matter and enjoy the loved ones around you. Instead of letting the list rule you move through your list while looking to see where God’s working. Then join him in his work. This will free you.
I was in a conversation with a friend the other day and I loved what he said. He said, “When things interrupt my schedule I don’t get upset. I see them as God appointments. And I look to see where he’s working in them.” I love that!
So go ahead and plan your parties, schedules and shopping. As you do, remember to make room for things that matter most. And as you move through your routine remember to welcome God’s appointments. Seek to see where he’s working and join him there. Let the peace of God rule you rather than the season’s events.