Does this Hump Day have you feeling overwhelmed? Do you have an enormous task or several small tasks at hand? I’d like to remind you of the song in Santa Clause is Coming To Town. Remember it?
Put one foot in front of the other
And soon you’ll be walking ‘cross the floor
Put one foot in front of the other
And soon you’ll be walking out the door
That’s it! Just put one foot in front of the other. And soon you’ll be walking across the floor…
Some people are good at starting things. Some people are good at finishing things. And some people are good helpers and encouragers in any phase and can join you wherever you are on the journey.
Our family has been blessed in that we have identified our strengths. This enables us to work as a team and as God has designed us. Instead of getting angry at someone because they don’t do things the way we do things, we see their strengths. We then appreciate them and help them shine there. This allows us to see their weak areas too and we help them, thus strengthening them there too!
For example, with the beginning of projects I can get overwhelmed. Over the years I’ve learned to apply the lyrics to that song in those moments. I put one foot in front of the other and soon I’m in the middle of the project and I’ve found strength. When the final phase of the project rolls around I’m in my prime. I work best from the middle to the end of projects. I get stronger as we push to the close of it. My husband is the opposite. He’s GREAT at beginning projects but he begins to fizzle as he reaches the middle and moves towards the end. We complement each other so well and therefore we can encourage each other along the way!
Do you hate beginning new projects because you get overwhelmed? If so, listen up. You to simply begin a step at a time. Put one foot in front of the other. Don’t look to final destination and outcome; look at the task at hand. Accomplish it and move on to the next task. Before you know it you’ll be in the midst of the project and you’ll find new strength as you begin to get into your element. You’ll finish strong!
Do you get invigorated when starting new projects? But then get weary halfway through? Is it hard to muster up strength to finish? If so, listen up. It’s the opposite of what I just shared. Stop looking from where you’ve come from and then to where you need to get to. You too need to put your eyes on one task at a time. Click that item off your list and move to the next one. Before you know it you’ll be at the finish line! You’ll finish strong!
You’ll be amazed at the new insights and ideas that you gain along the way. New ideas for other projects that come your way. I think this happens because it’s related to being faithful, where God has planted you. Be faithful there and leave the results to him, he is faithful. Instead of looking ahead or behind we simply look at the moment and glorify him in that—doing all things as if for him.
If we move out of the way… if we quit wanting others to do things the way we do them… if we focus on the strengths God has given to us and shine for him in them… if we allow him to strengthen us in our weak areas and we move forward in him… then he gets the glory and we’ll be amazed at a job well done! If you do this process a few times, you’ll see the amazing fruit that grows from it! It’s shining proof that God is refining us!
So if you’re overwhelmed in any stage of a project. May I suggest that you quit kicking and screaming (even if it’s only on the inside). Put one foot in front of the other and click through your priority list as if you’re doing it for God!
Remember on this Hump-Day Wednesday… Friday is always coming, but most importantly… Christ is coming back too!