“Look, Mom!” You look up and they continue working on what they want you to look at. You look away only to hear… “Look! Look… look.” And you look up again and they’re looking at what they’re doing again so you linger in your looking. You now not only hear them say “Look!” you see them say it. And they continue… “Mom… look! Look! Look, Mom!” They finally look up to see you looking and they are satisfied and happy.
How often does this happen in your world? If the child is spending time with you, they want you to look. Whether you’re a mom, dad, aunt, uncle, grandmother or grandfather… doesn’t matter. They love you and it’s rinse and repeat with the looking. They want you present.
The image in this Wednesday Work Blog is an example. I was being beseeched to look, look, look! He said, Look, look, look! When he finally saw me look… he held it out for me to see and said while smiling, “A square in a circle.” And… he was satisfied once I looked and he saw me look.
Let’s face it, we all want that kind of attention. Children demand it and they need it. In a world where everyone has their head down, staring at a device in their hand, children cry out for it. We need to heed that cry. On this Hump-Day Wednesday, resolve yourself to engage in all those around you. They are your real relationships. Be satisfied and fulfilled there. The rewards are worth it… I promise! Make a habit of loving on those around you.
This Hump-Day Wednesday remember that Friday is always acomin’. Most importantly, Christ is coming back too! 1Thessalonians 4:17