What happens when you find a creepy spider on the bunch of bananas as you’re about to grab one? I freaked out! Look closely at the picture. I recognized this kind of creepy spider. It’s one that pulls its little scrawny legs up beside him making it look like a light colored little ball. Then …
Does your Wednesday still feel like a Monday? Did Tuesday feel like a Monday? Do you feel like you’ve been treading water all week and can barely keep your head up? Are you in-the-midst of warfare? Look to from whom your help comes! Ps 3:3 But Thou, O LORD, art a shield about me, My …
Wednesday Work Blogs are designed to help us maneuver out of the weeds of our emotions and see that Friday’s coming! He said, “Let’s go for a walk.” He wanted to practice riding his bike. I said, “Okay!” and put down my work (my laptop) and then I thought about it. Right here is where …
A Rose is the flower of choice to give and receive. A gardener delights to cultivate and care for it. Their fragile, delicate, petals are the beauty to behold. Displayed atop sturdy stems of strength, with inherent defense mechanisms of protection. With each day various situations assault the rose. So, the gardener must have an …
A gentleman by the name of Edward Kimball had a burden for one of his Sunday school students to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. He went to see him at the shoe store where he worked and led him to Christ in that shoe store. The young man’s name was Dwight L. Moody, who …
If dog’s have a love language, it’s got to be touch. Right? Seriously… I never met a dog that didn’t live for petting. And they may be a great example of someone with the love language of touch. If you have a person in your life that has the love language of touch, then may …
What if Jesus showed up on Thanksgiving Day? To dine at your table what would you say? Would you be excited, or would you be bothered, By the mirrored reflection of our Life giving Father? If you are his child he RSVP’d, The day you were born when he set you free. Remember his words …
It’s interesting when thinking of the first blog to initiate my author website. I think, “I am an author.” That’s a weird statement. Although I’m an author, that’s not me. I’m a child of God. That’s who I am. So I should say that I’m a child of God cleverly disguised as an author. There. …