Most of us rush around five—days—a—week. Whether you work outside the home, work from home, home-school, or do regular school…our routines carry us away to a flurry of activities. If you have a dog, think of your dog’s face when you’r rushing in your routines. For them, Friday doesn’t come soon enough. Our dogs live to love us! From the second we awake they study our routine. And they can tell a Monday from a Saturday. They know by our morning routine. Think of how they lay there and track our hurried pace. They know. We’re not the only ones who look forward to Fridays.
Our dogs wait. What are they waiting for? They wait for a morsel of our time. They get so little and yet they wait. They are eager for any amount of time we‘ll spend with them. And they know our routines and they wait. They wait for Friday to come because the weekend follows. You stay up a little longer. Our attitude is more relaxed and loving. So, they wait because they cherish the time with us.
With that in mind, think of the one who made us. He sees us all the time, in all of our paces of life. And he, too, waits. He waits for us to spend time with him.
We wake and we rush to shower. We rush to eat and start our day. We rush to our weekly activities. We rush all day long. We get home and rush to get dinner. We rush to clean the kitchen. We rush to take care of chores and pets around the house. Then we rush to get kids in bed and finally we too turn in for the night. We rush, rush, rush and all the while, he waits. He longs for us.
As you look for Friday to draw near. Remember your precious friend who’s looking to Friday too! Remember the one who made you waits as well. Dare to live today like its Friday! Relax a little more with your loved ones. Enjoy the process! And with this reminder, let’s make the time and habit to invite God into our days and activities.
As you look through this Wednesday to this Friday, remember you’re not the only one looking to Fridays. Can you dare to live every day like it’s Friday? Friday is coming but, most importantly, Christ is coming back too!
Dog’s love language?