It’s interesting when thinking of the first blog to initiate my author website. I think, “I am an author.” That’s a weird statement. Although I’m an author, that’s not me. I’m a child of God. That’s who I am. So I should say that I’m a child of God cleverly disguised as an author. There.
The logic then follows that I am a child of God cleverly disguised as a wife, mother, sister, friend, etc., and the same would be true of you if you are his child. As his child, our identity is found in him. We see in Luke 20:19-26, that some wanted to trick Christ, so they asked him about paying taxes, and he answered them by asking them to show him a coin. Then Christ asked, “Whose image and inscription are on it?” “Caesar’s,” they answered. And he answered them, “Give to Caesar what is his and to God what is God’s.”
This is powerful stuff!!! Whose image is on you? You were created to be an image-bearer of God–to reflect his image to the world. BTW, this means to glorify him. The word glorify means to give a correct estimation of something. So if we live to glorify him, we are reflecting a correct estimation of him, and then his image is seen on us.
We get wrapped around the axle of what we do, as if that’s the thing that defines us. It is not. We were made in the image of God. Have we entered his family and become his child, or not? This is what defines us. We search for meaning in the wrong things. The meaning is found in the one who gave us life… The one who sustains us… The one who draws all men to himself. He made all that is around us and is the author and giver of life.
When thinking about launching my first blog on this site, I have a conundrum. I think about the word launch. Launch indicates a beginning. The beginning reminds me of the beginning of all things, and now I’m back in Genesis, contemplating creation, the beginning of all things with God. And hence I remember that I am a child of God cleverly disguised as an author. Annnnd, rinse and repeat.
I hope you enjoy the content of these blogs, as I contemplate with you.
PS. I heard the statement, “I’m a child of God cleverly disguised as a _______,” from a Bible study leader and have never forgotten it. I adopted it as a motto and hope that you’ll do the same! And, Neil T. Anderson’s book, Victory Over The Darkness, goes into our identity in Christ and is a great read!