This Hump Day, find you needing a break? I recommend a walk! Seriously. If you’re a home-school mom… take the kids with you and go on a nature walk. If you’re at work, go during lunch or when you get home. If it’s dark when you get home, grab the kids, a flashlight and if you have a dog, take him or her along with you. No matter the time of day, take time to enjoy being outside. Notice your surroundings and pray.
Pray for what you notice. Pray for what comes to your heart. Pray with your kids. They learn how to lean into God (at all times) from you. Pray from your heart. Pour it out before God. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit… Listen… Give room to God… Breathe… Take it in… Be refreshed by God.
There was a season in my life when my father was dying. My mother had a massive stroke (with no insurance) and they lost their house. Mom had to be in a nursing home to get her therapy. I was taking her back and forth to therapy, three times a week. Did I mention I was homeschooling my kiddos too? My husband was working out of town too.
One morning in the midst of it all, I had car trouble. A dear friend came to pick me up to take me and my son to the home-school tutorial. It was a cold winter’s day. I walked out to the edge of the driveway to wait for my friend. I crossed the street and stood in the sun to feel its warmth. I lifted my face to the heavens and took in the warmth. I breathed… I prayed… I worshiped God… I got still… all of me. I absorbed the moment with God. I felt his warm embrace. He filled me and lifted me. He carried me. I was refreshed in him. I needed that and he met me there.
God is good. He will refresh you. Get outside and unplug. Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in his wonderful face. Then the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of his glory and grace.
Go for a walk on this Hump Day. And remember, Friday is a comin’ but more importantly, Christ is coming back too!