How does your Hump Day find you this week? We view Hump Day as the hump to get over because we look so forward to the weekend. We see it that way because it’s part of the world in which we live. Monday through Friday we’re waiting for the weekend only to wake up on the following Monday to rinse and repeat. It’s the way we navigate. It’s a system that breeds familiarity and we coast along. But, we know as Christians that we’re to walk in this world God’s way in all situations. In the coasting we tend to forget that, but we should not. In fact, Scriptures implore us to walk closely with God at all times.
We know we have a real enemy. And that he takes every opportunity to creep in and steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). The Scriptures detail this for us. We forget that because of the world system in which we live. Where the smallest of things, even Hump Day issues, can feel autonomous and natural. But, it’s in that thinking and comfortability that we tend to sail along. And then we’re dumbfounded when we find ourselves or our emotions in a storm.
A couple days ago I was sitting in the back yard with the kids. I happened to look up and see a family of squirrels chasing each other in play. Then out of nowhere came a grey owl gliding in without a sound. His wing span was vertical lining parallel with the tree it swooped by to pluck a squirrel from its side. What?!?!? What just happened?!?!?! I was in awe. The dogs immediately ran over barking. It happened so fast and was so silent! How did the dogs see? Did they see it too or did they sense it? The other squirrels were nowhere to be found. All had disappeared, and it was eerily quiet in the animal world. I was dumbfounded.
I thought of the squirrel, its friends, its family. What were they feeling? Where was the owl before he made his move? He was there but unseen, quiet, hidden and watching. Had they forgotten they had an enemy? They were reminded. And I was reminded that we too have an enemy. He too is there but unseen, quiet, hidden and watching. He’s waiting for us to forget about him. He’s waiting for the right moment to attack. He’s waiting.
The fall affected everything. All of creation groans for the redemption of man (Romans 8). We need to remember so we don’t fall prey to the enemy and his attacks. We don’t war against flesh and blood. We war against the powers of this world’s darkness and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. It’s a spiritual warzone that we live in… Ephesians 6 details this and how to walk.
Let’s be diligent to remember the warzone. Oh we can still enjoy life and the blessings we get along the way, but we do well to remember that the enemy is there. He may be unseen, quiet and hidden, but he’s watching. And he’s counting on our forgetting. Stay alert and aware of the warfare. If we do that we’ll not be caught unawares and become dumbfounded when the attacks come.
On this Hump Day, remember the spiritual war zone. Know that Friday is a comin’ but more importantly, Christ is coming back too!