The pic of this blog reveals the amount of planes in the sky over America, at one moment in time. My son showed me this the other day. I said, “Well, I knew our phone signals had to go to space and back to send things. But now I see all the air traffic the signal has to travel through too! When you’re exasperated with the slowness of your phone… keep this is mind! That’s a lot of planes in the sky. Boy do we live in a time of technology! When Daniel was told to conceal the words of the prophecy he was given he was also told to… “…seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase. (Daniel 12:4)” Think this is an image he may have pictured? This pic shows a lot of going back and forth!!!
Obviously we have an abundance of technology and travel! As I studied the picture I was amazed at the amount of planes in the air. We are some busy people. Look closely… you can even see the hot air balloons! But this technology is supposed to give us more time. Right? Yet we still cram in more things! These planes carrying people back and forth remind me of the vehicle that brings God to us and us to God. That vehicle is prayer.
Remember… Adam and Eve walked in the presence of God until sin entered. After that, the way into God’s presence was through prayer. Prayer is the way we walk with God while here on earth and separated by sin. We can and should walk with God in all our situations! Yet, it requires prayer. We must slow down and communicate with God. All this technology… is it helping or hindering? As we rush to and fro are we really getting where we need to be?
Next time you’re sitting in a drive-through getting frustrated because it’s not moving fast enough… pray. Next time you find yourself impatient waiting on the microwave… pray. Next time you look up and see a plane in the sky I hope you are reminded to pray. And pray for all on the plane. Who knows… maybe it’s the only time some of them will have someone praying for them. And you get to be the vehicle to bring God into their equation.
Get it? Let’s take the time to pray. On this Hump-Day Wednesday when you find yourself impatient waiting for the weekend… pray. Perhaps if we start there, we may find more time to seek God about all things.
This Hump-Day Wednesday remember that Friday is always acomin’ but most importantly… Christ is coming back too!