This Hump-Day Wednesday’s/Wednesday Work Blog I’ve decided to write a humorous but slightly tacky post. If you have boys or brothers, you will understand this blog and find it funny. If you don’t… well… I hope you can find the humor in it.
So, I was sitting on the front swing when I noticed a little one attempting to wipe his booger on my swing cushion. I immediately asked him what he was trying to do. His eyes widened as he looked at me. I said, “You’re trying to wipe a booger on my swing, aren’t you?” He sort of smirked at me. I could tell he was unsure how to respond, fearing some sort of reprimanding was imminent. And I realized at that moment I had a choice.
- I could scold him and teach him the correct was to handle crusty nose drainage. I could teach him how deplorable it is to wipe boogers on anything other than a tissue.
- I could shock him and have some fun with it first. And this I Love Lucy girl chose the fun route first!
For the first time ever, I realized that rolling boogers could be a taught art. And I said, “Let me tell you what to do in this kind of scenario. When your boogers are kind of slimy… you need to first roll them between your fingers (I imitated the action of rolling a booger). This will dry them enough to where you can…” (I then held my fingers in position to demonstrate) I continued, “…flick them off into the air!” He (now beaming with joy and wonder) said, “Really?” I responded, “Really! Try it! Roll it in your fingers.” He began doing so and I said, “When it’s dry enough you can flick it off.”
He rolled and then tried flicking. It was a failed attempt. He quickly looked at me as if to doubt me. I said, “It wasn’t dry enough.” He looked in belief again as he began rolling. Then he positioned his fingers and then flicked again… SUCCESS!!! He turned and squealed, “It worked! I flicked it off!!” We rejoiced in that moment and I embraced his elation with this knowledge I shared! For this moment in time in his little world there was none wiser or more fun than me. We both basked in the moment.
Instruction to a child is 24/7. Why not take some of that 24/7 instruction and rock their world with some surprises! For those who think this scenario and blog is crude, I apologize. I know there are those who can relate. This spoof by Jim Carey of the Lincoln commercial with Matthew McConaughey this… check it out.
On this Hump-Day Wednesday, fill it with unexpected joy! Do this for yourself and others. Grab surprised laughter where you can. God says, “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones”. Allow God to fill you with his joy. Then try and see through the eyes of a child again… you’ll find joy in unexpected places! And you’ll be surprised at how joy makes your days and weeks more fun for everyone.
Remember, Friday is always acomin’ but most importantly, Christ is coming back too!